Request for Proposal

Creating Benchmark Datasets and Common Task Frameworks for Alternative Protein Development”

Application deadline: October 4, 2024


While many fields have benefited from having public datasets, which allow different players to collaborate and compare technological progress, the alternative protein industry lacks such resources. This gap, as well as the lack of standardized metrics and benchmarks, hampers the ability of groups and individuals to contribute to collaborative work on the biggest problems of our domain. Establishing common datasets and frameworks, especially those tailored for AI and machine learning applications, will accelerate development across the field, not only enabling researchers and companies to build upon otherwise unavailable data, but also providing clear targets, encouraging comparison of outcomes, and fostering collaboration.

Examples from other domains

Proposals are expected to result in datasets that can be actively used by the industry to enhance product development and market strategies. We encourage proposals to also include practical tools for computing standardized metrics on these datasets.


Proposals should aim to create a foundational framework and initial dataset to support the development of alternative protein products, as well as AI and machine learning applications within the field. This initiative should include collecting, standardizing and possibly annotating data relating to essential aspects such as nutrition, taste, texture, cost, and sustainability. The data could be collected from sources such as scientific literature, industry reports, and consumer studies. Ideally, proposals should also include defining and validating key metrics on the dataset.

This dataset should be open-sourced to ensure wide accessibility, and to serve as a foundational resource for the industry.

Example Timeline and Milestones

Here’s a simple example of the phases your project might go through, using a sustainability-related project as a context. You can adapt this timeline to fit your own project needs, with a primary focus on creating valuable datasets. Developing AI/ML models or evaluating model performance (benchmarking) can also be part of your project, but the priority is building and sharing high-quality data.

Project Duration: 3-6 Months

  1. Planning and Data Collection

    • Milestone: Finalize project plan and start collecting data.

    • Example (Dataset Creation for Sustainability): Identify and gather data on environmental impact metrics, such as carbon footprint, water usage, and energy consumption for various alternative protein production methods. This data will be foundational for driving industry-wide sustainability improvements.

  2. Data Processing and Preparation

    • Milestone: Process and standardize the collected data.

    • Example (Dataset Creation for Sustainability): Clean and organize environmental impact data to create a high-quality dataset that others can use to assess and compare the sustainability of different alternative protein products. Consider how this dataset can be applied in real-world settings to optimize production practices.

  3. Optional: Model Development or Performance Evaluation (Benchmarking)

    • Milestone: (If applicable) Develop and test AI/ML models using the dataset or create standards for evaluating model performance (benchmarking).

    • Example (Model Development or Benchmarking): Train an AI model to predict the environmental impact of new protein production methods or establish criteria for measuring the effectiveness of different models using the dataset.

  4. Finalization and Open-Source Release

    • Milestone: Prepare your final outputs, with a focus on the dataset, and make them available to the community.

    • Example: Finalize the sustainability dataset and any accompanying documentation, and release it on an open-source platform. Ensure that the dataset is accessible and ready for use by other researchers and practitioners in the field.

Note: This timeline is flexible and intended to guide you. The primary focus should be on creating valuable datasets. Model development or performance evaluation (benchmarking) can be included but should support the main goal of providing public data relevant to alternative proteins.

Impact Examples

  • Academic Use: Researchers could use the dataset to publish comparative studies on protein efficiency across various production methods, as well as develop and test AI/ML models that predict optimal production techniques or consumer preferences.

  • Commercial Use: Companies could utilize the benchmarks to market their products based on verified sustainability metrics.

  • Operational Use: Industry operators could utilize the standardized metrics and datasets to optimize production processes, reduce costs, and improve product quality.

Encouragement of Collaboration:

Proposals could include strategies for engaging with key industry stakeholders, including AI/ML experts, to refine KPIs and ensure the dataset meets the practical needs of researchers, data scientists, and product developers.

Proposals could also outline plans for fostering a community around the open-source dataset, encouraging contributions from a wide range of stakeholders.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Relevance: Alignment with the goals of creating public datasets and fostering industry-wide collaboration.

  • Openness: Commitment to developing and releasing open-source tools and datasets.

  • Feasibility: Realistic scope and deliverables within the funding and timeline constraints.

  • Potential Impact: Ability to facilitate significant advances in the alternative protein sector, particularly through innovative AI and machine learning applications.


Most grants awarded under this RFP are expected to be in the range of $10,000 to $25,000. Larger grants are rare and generally require applicants to secure co-funding. Proposals should clearly define the specific objectives and deliverables that align with the available funding.


Before beginning your application, please review our policies and guidelines. To apply, submit your proposal through this application form by October 4th, 2024. We expect to respond to applications submitted by October 4th, 2024 by November 25th, 2024.