Given the huge human populations and projected growth of animal consumption in PLMICs like China and India, why is relatively little money and effort being directed there?
Food System Innovations is examining what entrepreneurship and advocacy is possible in countries like China and India and where it makes sense for significantly more effort/funds to be placed there to reverse a fast growing increase in meat consumption.
As people move out of poverty and get more purchasing power (a good thing), people seek the products they associate with wealth - and animal products are high on the list. Given the size of populations in these countries, and the need to radically reduce and not increase animal product consumption, it's clear that much more action is needed to support people in those countries who wish to sole the problem.
We are still looking into India, and for China, FSI is currently focussing on 5 areas:
• Support and promote entrepreneurship in mainland China for plant-based companies and restaurants through supporting companies like Dao Foods.
• Create a program to reach and educate Chinese students studying abroad in the United States.
• Support videos and social media to educate people in China about the benefits of plant-based eating.
• Foster Chinese-based academic research likely to be useful to Chinese decision-makers to help them understand the importance of animal product reduction for Chinese consumers, and to see how this is in alignment with their exiting goals and priorities.
• Locate and foster more Chinese-based philanthropists.